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"Am I my brothers' keeper?"

13 years ago | 4392 Views
"My brother, look how far we have come chasing this Impala,even the dogs tired a long time ago.Now  we have caught it....yes,your spear to the right side and mine the left.....that is what brought it down. Why then are you looking @ me like that? sengani ufuna ukungisusela amanqe nje? what is wrong? did we not work together to get this far? why then do you want to kill me now?Can we just share the meat?"" Sounds familiar?Selfishness,grid,envy have become cornerstones of our society while charity and brotherly love have swiftly faded into the receding do we rise from these bogs of individualism..or go back to those ethics that made us a great people of the past? how do we get over the biggest stumbling block ...the self..? come lets reason...each one teach one.Link up!!
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